Create a network of clinical and translational lung cancer researchers, and provide them with a platform to foster development of investigator-led clinical trials and national collaborative studies.
Improve the lives of patients with lung cancers, through expansion and innovation in clinical and translational research in Ireland.
More about the ILCA:
- The ILCA is a group of clinical and translational lung cancer researchers.
- It was established in late 2020 by Dr Jarushka Naidoo.
- The group has virtual meetings every 6-8 weeks where members present on their latest lung cancer research.
- Researchers interested in joining the ILCA can contact info@cancertrials.ie
Irish Lung Cancer Community:
- The the Irish Lung Cancer Community (ILCC) is a newly established lung cancer patient advocacy group.
- The group was established by some of the ILCA members.
ILCC contact details are:
Twitter – @LungCommunity
Email – irishlungcancercommunity@gmail.com
Facebook – Search for Irish Lung Cancer Community (ILCC)

ILCA founder
Dr Jarushka Naidoo is Chair of the Cancer Trials Ireland Lung DSSG & Consultant Medical Oncologist at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin. Dr Naidoo’s research interests are immunotherapy for lung cancer and clinical trials.