Are you eligible for membership?
Membership of Cancer Trials Ireland is open to oncology professionals in the fields of:
- Medical oncology
- Radiation oncology
- Surgical oncology
- Haematological oncology
- Other oncology related specialisation
- Research Specialists* i.e. Research Nurse, Research Coordinator, Research Manager, Data Manager, Research Pharmacists, etc.
- Translational Scientist e.g. Academic or Clinical Scientist
*Candidate members for the Research Specialist modality group must be actively involved in clinical trials.
Benefits of membership:
The benefits of being a member are:
- Being part of the largest network of cancer trials clinicians and researchers in Ireland.
- Having access to regular scientific meetings and Disease Specific Sub Group (DSSG) meetings where the current trial portfolio and new trials and ideas are discussed.
- Access to a wealth of expertise and knowledge to support the development of new ideas.
- Getting regular updates on events and relevant topics.
- Receiving the regularly published DSSG Digest including all the recent and up to date news on Cancer Trials Ireland e.g. status of trials, dates for your diary, DSSG News and much more.
Become an active member of Cancer Trials Ireland and help us to fulfil our vision to provide every patient with cancer access to high-quality and potentially life altering cancer trials and make Ireland a highly attractive location to open cancer trials.
How to apply:
Fill out the form below:
Please see our website privacy policy statement.